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Frequently Asked Questions

Important Questions You May Have in Mind

Are you an investment fiduciary and how do you get paid?

At Ascent Financial Group, your needs come first. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, we have an ethical and legal fiduciary obligation to do what's best for you. We offer financial planning and investment management services for an annual fee, but are still able to help our clients with term life insurance, disability insurance and long-term care.

You can trust that you will receive objective, independent advice when you receive financial planning and investment management services.

Check out our fee structure here

What is your investment philosophy?

Ascent Financial Group deploys a disciplined approach to investment management. The process starts with the discovery of client’s goals and emotional tolerance to investing, which will ultimately drive the asset allocation decision. 

We believe that the only rational approach to investing is a diversified portfolio, as no one can single-handedly time or predict the market. Ascent Financial Group primarily utilizes index-based investments for efficiency and their low cost.

This strategy, combined with active rebalancing, tax efficient portfolio construction, and tax loss harvesting allows our clients to keep more of what they earn. More so, Ascent Financial Group goes above and beyond traditional wealth management and financial planning. We are adept behavioral coaches, helping clients from making impulsive or rash decisions based on emotional swings predicated on the volatility of the market.

Note: All investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. 
ETFs trade like stocks, are subject to investment risk, fluctuate in market value, ad may trade at prices above or below the ETFs net asset value (NAV). Upon redemption, the value of fund shares may be worth more or less than their original cost. ETFs carry additional risks such as not being diversified, possible trading halts, and index tracking errors. 
Rebalancing a portfolio may cause investors to incur tax liabilities and/or transaction costs and does not assure profit or protect against a loss.

What is financial planning and why do I need it?

Think about all of the uncertainties surrounding the financial topics in your life. Everything from paying off your student loans to managing your cash flow, investing for retirement to choosing the right insurance -  all while enjoying the lifestyle you want today. It can feel like trying to balance an endless series of dominos without ever knocking over a single one. 

But what if you knew the right decisions to make? What if you could make those choices with confidence? Imagine having all those uncertainties identified, explained and planned into actionable steps for you. Imagine if you had someone to navigate through the financial decision-making process with you, a trained, educated and objective third party to guide you at each financial crossroad, focusing on the right path. 

That’s what financial planning can do for you. As your partners, we’ll be there every step of the way, offering professional and informed advice no matter what goals you want to reach. Having a true financial plan built by a financial professional will give you even more confidence to help you create what you want in your life using the resources you have.

Why should I consider hiring Ascent Financial Group?

Let’s first start with why you shouldn’t hire us. If you’re looking for an advisor who picks stocks or tries to “beat the market,” we aren’t for you. Why? Because we focus on what we can control. Speculating about what the stock market will do in the short-term, or guessing what interest rates will do next, are not things we can control.

However, we are a good fit if you want an advisor who:
 - You can trust
 - Understands your unique situation
 - Has the expertise to help manage and optimize all aspects of your financial life

Any good partnership starts with trust. This is why instead of just telling you how we can help, we prefer to show you how we can help and what it would look like to work together before you ever pay us a dollar. There are no surprises from our first conversation through the duration of working together.

How do I get started?

We make scheduling your first meeting easy. Simply select a time that works for you, or give us a call to learn more about how we may best serve you.

Is there a minimum investment amount to work with AFG?
If you are a Financial Planning client, there is no minimum investment required outside of the fee agreement for planning services. For Non-Financial Planning clients, our household minimum for investment management is $100,000.

Do I need to live locally to work with you?

No! Ascent Financial Group helps people across the United States with a virtual-based planning model. We can meet with you by phone, virtually (via Zoom) or in-person if you’re in the local area. Even our local clients choose the virtual model for some of our meetings! We can meet anytime, anywhere, whenever and wherever that works best for you.

Have a Question or Concern Not Listed?

Our team has the resources and know-how to tackle your goals, no matter how complex they may seem.

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